Cool cities are the cities that trying to reduce their CO2 that’s coming from many thing like building and cars by building green buildings and forbidding cars in some places. Now the question is: "is
Cool cities are the cities that trying to reduce their CO2 that’s coming from many thing like building and cars by building green buildings and forbidding cars in some places. Now the question is: "is
The world is becoming more developed day after day and many serous problems came with it such as global warming, air and noise pollution. Also the increasing of population is making these problems harder to control. To solve these problems, cool cities (SDJC) plan has been set for the gulf.
The logo of the cool city (SDCJ) is "Towards sustainable urban development and Architecture". This project is about building a Network of cool cities that depend on natural power. The city will reduce 60% of its CO2. As known 90% of the CO2 is released from buildings and transport. By building a city with 1 km radius they will solve the transport problem because every thing will be reachable by walking. There are also monorail station, Light rail transit station, water transportation and hybrid car parking areas. All the buildings will be green buildings so the CO2 will be reduce as much as possible.
Masdar is a city that will be build in
Some people will like to live in Masdar city and the other wont. For me I would love to live there for many reasons. First of all I want to change the place where I live now because it's full of air and noise pollution. I would like to live in environmental place where there air water and food are 100% free from pollution. I also like walking so not using a car is no problem. The final reason is that I want to change my life style so living in Masdar is a good way to start.
In conclusion, there is nothing better than living in a healthy environment. To make the world better place to live we must build more cities like Masdar and that will give the next generation a better life.
The ten principles of One Planet Living
Zero Carbon: human activity produce lots of harmful gases like CO2 which cause the planet temperature to rise up.
Zero Waste: not recycling the products and packaging is a big waste and how to get ride of it is a big problem.
Sustainable Transport: traveling by car and airplane causes air pollution in the same time the engine sound and horn causes noise pollution.
Local and sustainable materials: depending on non-local materials in the manufacture increase environmental harm and reduce gains to the local economy.
Local and Sustainable Food: importing non-local agriculture product may lead to bad effects and by transporting them it cause air pollution.
Sustainable Water: re-using re-use the wasted water and not overuse the water so every one takes their shear.
Natural habits and wildlife: hunting so many animals for whatever reasons is reducing the natural resources.
Culture and Heritage: because of the development in the nations many Local cultural is being lost.
Equity and fair trade: Many countries around the world suffering from poverty because they don’t have enough food for their people and some in the
Developing world meet what they produce or sell.
Many USA of cities realized how dangers the global warming problem is and started to do something to help solving it without waiting for the government to take actions These are examples of some cool cities in the US and what have they done.
In this project I'll talk about many topics and these topics are somehow connected to each other. These are the topics in this project:
1. Critical Thinking
2. Summary of the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" and my opinion about it
3. Carbon Footprint
4. One Planet Living
6. A
7. Who Should Take Action?
First there is a PowerPoint about critical thinking that illustrates the meaning of critical thinking, some method to think critically and few points about why critical thinking is so important.
Second a summary of "An Inconvenient Truth", I described the movie for some on who haven't seen it after that I write my feeling about the movie.
Third, a problem solution paragraph about Carbon Footprint showing it's definition, problem and solution to reduced it.
Then a discussion about the ten principles of One Planet Living and how can we make use of it in the UAE, a video about global warming created by me and some class mates and ten points of how are some cities saving money, energy or resources.
After that my opinion about the coolest development in
Follow this is a paragraph about Masdar city showing what the aims og building it.
Have u ever heard about carbon footprint? Carbon footprint is a measure of the impact of your activities that produce greenhouse gases on the planet. The size of your carbon footprint depends on how much do u produce of greenhouse gases. Now I will talk about the problem and solution of the carbon footprint.
The first important problem is that I use the electricity a lot every day, I watch TV, use my laptop, playing video games and many other ways, most of our electricity are generated by burning fuels and that release carbon dioxide which make the earth hotter. The second problem is that my family got 7 cars and also I use my car a lot even if it was a short distance and Cars release large amount of CO2.the final problem is that I smoke a lot. Maybe you think it's a small amount of CO2 but its not.
The first solution is to reduce the amount of electricity every day. I can go the sea with my friend instead of watching TV or playing video games. The second solution is to use one car for the family instead of 7 and when I go out with my friend we can go with one car. The final solution is to reduce my smoking or to quit it because it's bad for health and bordure CO2.